Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" EU Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Bertelsmann Stiftung Chairman Aart De Geus Philippe Veldeman
Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" From left to right: Dorothée Rouzet (OECD), Oliver Röthig (UNI Europa), Anne Bucher (European Commission) and Ulrich Schoof (Bertelsmann Stiftung) Philippe Veldeman
Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" Keynote Speech of Prof. Philippe Aghion (Harvard) Philippe Veldeman
Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" From left to right: Aart De Geus, Prof. Henrik Enderlein (Hertie School of Governance), Jyrki Katainen (EU Commission Vice President Philippe Veldeman
Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe" Philippe Veldeman