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Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2024

Spain, the War and the Vote

As EU citizens prepare to cast their votes for a new European Parliament in June 2024, closely followed by the nomination of a new European Commission, this publication seeks to provide a deeper understanding of how policies on Ukraine intersect with political orientations...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (Broschur)2024

Offene Daten für alle: Die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft

Welche Impulse braucht es, um den Datenpool aus der Zivilgesellschaft zu vergrößern und ein offenes Datenökosystem zu schaffen? Das Projekt "Daten für die Gesellschaft" der Bertelsmann Stiftung hat das Potenzial von offenen Daten aus der Zivilgesellschaft und für die...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (Broschur)2024

The Next Generation in Germany

This report looks in the younger age cohorts (18 -30 years) in Germany, which we compare with their counterparts in other European countries as well as with older German citiziens (30 - 70 years).


Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (Hrsg.) (PDF)2024


In diesem Papier werden zentrale Prinzipien für den Impact-

Due-Diligence-Prozess beim Impact Investing dargestellt. Im

Gegensatz zu traditionellen Investitionsstrategien führen Impact-

Investor:innen sowohl eine finanzielle als auch eine Impact Due

Dilligence (IDD)...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (Broschur)2024

Voices of Change

The interviews within these pages are not just stories, but rather, glimpses into the lives of people who have committed themselves to being architects of change. Each story is a chapter in the larger narrative of a generation determined to redefine what is possible. From...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (Broschur)2024

Policy Brief 1/2024: The EU’s participatory enlargement

The prospect of enlargement has provided a push for new ideas and has invigorated debate

on EU institutional reform. Besides internal institutional transformation, enlargement opens

a window for another crucial step: the EU must transition from being a Union of citizens in...


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