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Social Justice in the EU - Index Report 2017

Rising poverty, youth unemployment and impending sovereign bankruptcies – Europe has been undergoing a stress test almost permanently since the financial crisis began in 2008. For a number of years, the opportunities for people to participate in society worsened considerably...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2017

Factory Europe

How is Europe integrated in today’s global value chains? What are potential challenges and risks European countries face with their specific position in globalised trade? These are the key questions being addressed in the new GED study with the Cologne Institute for Economic...


Vision Europe (Hrsg.) (PDF)2017

Winners and Losers of Globalization

This publication deals with the all-encompassing question of “winners and losers of globalization”. The goal, in tackling such a controversial issue, is to go beyond taking stock of the impact of globalization on economic, political and social systems around the world and to...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2017

The German Mittelstand and the Israeli Startup Ecosystem

A study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung shows far-reaching potential in the close cooperation between German and Israeli businesses – efforts which, to date, have been underutilized. Highlighting Israel's innovative dynamism, the study also offers German businesses engagement...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2017

The German Mittelstand and the Israeli Startup Ecosystem

Diese Studie der Bertelsmann Stiftung zeigt das hohe Potenzial einer engen Vernetzung zwischen deutschen und israelischen Unternehmen, welches bisher noch zu wenig genutzt wird. Gleichzeitig verdeutlicht die Studie die Innovationskraft Israels und zeigt Strategien auf, die...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2017

Wertebildung in der Einwanderungs­gesellschaft

Zuwanderung und Integration fordern unsere Gesellschaft heraus. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Integration in Bildung und Arbeit, sondern um die grundlegende Frage, wie das Zusammenleben in einer kulturell vielfältigen Einwanderungsgesellschaft dauerhaft gelingen kann. Eine...


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