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Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2013

Gerecht, nachhaltig, effizient

Die Studie liefert eine sachliche und datengestützte Grundlage für die Diskussion über die künftige Gestaltung des Krankenversicherungssystems.


Thomas Beschorner, Thomas Hajduk, Samuil Simeonov (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2013

Corporate Responsibility in Europe

The sector-specific approach to Corporate Responsibility (CR) has attracted little attention so far, although the industrial sector is a key variable in any company's economic environment.


Thomas Beschorner, Thomas Hajduk, Samuil Simeonov (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2013

Corporate Responsibility in Europe

The sector-specific approach to Corporate Responsibility (CR) has attracted little attention so far, although the industrial sector is a key variable in any company's economic environment.


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2013

Faktencheck Mandeloperation

In einigen Kreisen werden achtmal so vielen Kindern die Gaumenmandeln entfernt wie in anderen. Die Studie erläutert die Hintergründe.


(E-Book / PDF)2013

Inspiring Democracy

Democracy lives and thrives on the participation of its citizens. But what is more to the point, without the participation of its citizenry, democracy would not exist at all. Yet traditional avenues for political participation such as elections or becoming involved in party...


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