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Bertelsmann Stiftung, Institut für öffentliche Angelegenheiten (Hrsg.) (PDF)2016

Partnerschaft unter Spannung

Die deutsch-russischen Beziehungen haben sich seit 2014 verschlechtert, sowohl in politischer Hinsicht wie auch in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung. Nicht nur der russisch-ukrainische Konflikt hat die früher bestehende „besondere Beziehung” zwischen Moskau und Berlin hart...


Bertelsmann Stiftung, Institute of Public Affairs (Hrsg.) (PDF)2016

Frayed Partnership

German-Russian relations have been in decline since 2014, not only politically but also in the opinion of the public. Not only has the Russian-Ukrainian conflict dealt a blow to the former “special relationship” between Moscow and Berlin, but there have also been strong...


Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin, Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2016

The Economic Costs of Non-Schengen

Schengen means travelling without borders and has been a European success. But the agreement from 1995 has come under pressure from two sides: the unprecedented influx of refugees and the terrorist threat in Europe.


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2016

Attitudes to global trade and TTIP in Germany and the United States

Everyone can benefit from free trade – according to the promise made at the start of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in 2013. But critical voices have been piling up since then. A new survey examines the attitudes toward free trade and the...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (PDF)2016

Investing in Our Future

Investing in our future – a vision giving rise to great expectations. What are the areas where government spending can help to achieve “Inclusive Growth”? In this Policy Paper which is available in a German language long version with a full list of references Dr. Michael...


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