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Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2013

Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Since the first Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, many states have been looking for a new concept of economic and social progress. The environmental crises of the last years, as well as the global economic and financial crisis, require an even more profound shift...


Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2013

Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Since the first Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, many states have been looking for a new concept of economic and social progress. The environmental crises of the last years, as well as the global economic and financial crisis, require an even more profound shift...


PHINEO gAG (Hrsg.) (PDF)2013

Kursbuch Wirkung

Gutes tun und viel bewirken gehören zusammen. PHINEO und die Bertelsmann Stiftung unterstützen Engagierte, wirkungsorientiert zu arbeiten, um noch mehr zu erreichen. Das Kursbuch vermittelt hierfür das methodische Wissen und liefert zugleich alltagstaugliche, praxiserprobte...


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