Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2012
Was leistet Ganztagsschule tatsächlich für die individuelle Förderung und Chancengerechtigkeit? Wie stellt sich die Profilbildung der Schulen dar? Was sind die Qualitätskriterien für "guten" Ganztag?
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Junge Menschen sind eine besonders wichtige Zielgruppe für nachhaltige Engagementförderung: Denn wer sich früh engagiert, wird dies voraussichtlich auch in späteren Lebensphasen tun.
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / PDF)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) (E-Book / ePub)2012
The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are...